How to get bicep peak
Before discussing
about topic first under the bicep muscle. Bicep is of two muscle short head and
long head.
Bicep Peak also depend upon your genetics Shorter muscle belly get
taller bicep peak and longer muscle belly get less peak.
Short head
shows the thickness of your bicep and the long head show the peak of the bicep.
So you have to target long head of the bicep.
If you don’t
have good genetic you can still improve your bicep peak by performing this exercise.
1 Incline dumbbell
2 ez bar
bicep curl
3 dumbbell
concentration curl
There are
lot more exercise you can find it out on YouTube or google but these are the
effective exercise for bicep peak.
Point to be note
Close grip exercise of bicep will activate your
long head of the bicep and your exercise form must be correct.
Don’t only focus on these exercise or
only train long head. Train you full bicep and try different exercise.