Saturday, August 24, 2019

carb loading diet | benefits of carb loading | goan fitness

carb loading diet | benefits of carb loading | goan fitness

Carb loading ( ) is the part of peak weak. Carb loading can be understand from the word mean to loading the carb into the body this is done by the athlete when only one weak is left for the bodybuilding contest. 

For Cab loading we can basically say “top up” means it is the last step before the contest. So this carb loading is very important because an athlete can bring up to 20 to25 percent change in his body only within one week.

Why the carb loading is done?

-Frist to feel up muscle glicosion

When we eat carb it get convert in the glucose and travel the body through blood and during this body release insulin and insulin work is to store the glucose in the muscle in glicosion form and this is called muscle glicosion. This bring roundness in the muscle.

-Second to dry out the body

When we eat the carb to digest the carb it require water and sodium. So what bodybuilder do is first they reduce the water intake and during the peak weak they load the carb so that their body get dry. If body get dry it look hard, it get 3D look, and we can see better separation in the body.

So these are the two main reason the carb loading is done

During carb loading bodybuilder don’t have to consume fats but in case they intake more carb then require than they can intake fats because fats slow down the digestive system. 

a bodybuilder don’t have to take more carb than require  or less than require because take more carb than require will make your body bloated and less carb will make body look flat.

How much carb to intake?

See it depend on body everyone have different body type so no one can tell exact amount of carb to be taken.

E.g. some body get fill with 500g and some with 1500 or even more so it depend upon the body.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

deload week | deload week meaning | goan fitness

Are your body not getting recover or felling fatigue??? Try this

method that is “Deload week”.

What is Deload Week?

The word Deload mean reduce the load. So deload week is a particular week were you reduce the work out intensity or volume.

Deload week means in a particular week you can reduce 40 to 60 percent of weight or with same weight you can reduce the volume.

Deloading is reducing the training load so that you can recover your muscle if you are following hard core work out for very long time.

Do and Don't Deload Week

How to Deload or follow Deload method

Reduce your lifting up to 40 to 60 percent for a week or manipulate your volume or weight.

E.g. if you were doing bench press of 100 kg reduce it to 60 kg or 50kg or reduce volume means with same weight less reputation.

Or do light cardio or go and play your favorite sports but keep in mind you should not follow HIIT or high intensity interval.

advantages of Deload week

Who can follow Deload week

Deload week can be followed by beginners or intermediate level .but more preference is given to intermediate level.

Intermediate levels are training since long time and they can understand their body well than beginner.

Deloading will work for someone who has been training really hard for a long time and not gaining result or unable to recover the muscle than only one person can go for deloading.

Some important point Deload week or conclusion

·       Keep your diet as usual.
       Don’t completely stop your work out during deload week.

·       Manipulate volume or weight

That’s it in this article if you like it comment below and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, twitter and Pinterest.

Friday, August 16, 2019

gym tips for beginners | fitness tips for beginners

gym tips for beginners | fitness tips for beginners
These are the tips for those who just now started going to gym (one week or one month). Most of the beginner ignore this.

#1 Eat 45 min or 1 hour before going to gym

So you’ll have to eat at least  45 minute or 1 hour before going to gym so that you’ll don’t fell full in the gym. If your stomach is full than you’ll will not be able to push harder or not able to perform the activity properly. Lot of people in your gym eat just before they do work out it might be 5 minute before workout it is not benefit because food take lot of time to digest.

#2 do worm up before starting your exercise

Most of the beginner avoid to do warm up. Warm up is very important. It reduce the chances of getting injure. It active your muscle or make your body ready for workout.

#3 start learning the proper form

The main thing beginner should keep in mind is to perform the exercise with correct form otherwise you will not get full benefit of the work out and you might also get injured. Tell your trainer to tech you the proper form.

#4 do not compare yourself to other

What beginner do in the gym is they compare their self with other. If there is a thin person and lifting more weight than you that doesn’t mean you are weak or you have to lift the weight more than that person because you don’t know He might be working out from one year or two year. You will gain the strength slow.

#5 drink water during work out

Drinking water during workout is very important during workout we sweats a lot and our body get dehydrate. So drink water and keep your body hydrated.

#6 focus on your diet

Diet play very important role about 60 percent depend upon diet. If you don’t follow proper diet it impossible to achieve your goal. Weather it might be fat loss or muscle gain and most of the people give up from the gym because they are not getting the result.

#7 rest

Diet play 60 percent, training 25 percent and 15 percent is your rest. Rest is the time when your body start recovering. If you are not giving require rest to your body than your body is not going to respond or you will not achieve your goal. So give proper rest to your body.

#8 set up your goal

You must set up a goal that why you are going to gym? For fitness, bodybuilding, straight training, fat loss, muscle gain. First set up the goal and accordingly plain your diet and training.

#9 train all the muscle

This is the biggest mistake made by a beginner that they only train specific muscle like they train only chest and bicep and nothing else. You have to train each and every part of the body like chest, back, leg, bicep, triceps, calves, traps, fore arms, gluts. Than only you will get a balance body or symmetry in the body.

#10 breath during workout

You’ll have to keep in mind of breathing. It is very important you have to breathe during contraction of muscle and breathe out during retraction of muscle. It supply blood and oxygen to the muscle.

Last point but not the least
a) When you start to go to gym it will take time to achieve your goal. It might be fat loss or muscle gain. You will not achieve your goal within a month it take years to build a body.

b) Never listen to the trainer who tells you to take nonsense stuff.

c) Try to grow your body naturally.