Thursday, November 29, 2018

How to get bicep peak

How to get bicep peak

Before discussing about topic first under the bicep muscle. Bicep is of two muscle short head and long head.

 Bicep Peak also depend upon your genetics Shorter muscle belly get taller bicep peak and longer muscle belly get less peak.

Short head shows the thickness of your bicep and the long head show the peak of the bicep. So you have to target long head of the bicep.

If you don’t have good genetic you can still improve your bicep peak by performing this exercise.

1 Incline dumbbell curl

2 ez bar bicep curl

3 dumbbell concentration curl

There are lot more exercise you can find it out on YouTube or google but these are the effective exercise for bicep peak.

Point to be note
 Close grip exercise of bicep will activate your long head of the bicep and your exercise form must be correct.

Don’t only focus on these exercise or only train long head. Train you full bicep and try different exercise.


explain calories 2018


Calories is a nothing but just a unit of energy.

From where we get the calories?

We get calories from macro nutrient that is protein, carbohydrate and fat. 1 gram of protein contain 4 calories, one gram of carbohydrate contain 4 calories and one gram of fat contain 9 calories. 

If you want to know detail information about macros check out the link protien ( ), carbohydrate ( ), fat ( )

Why we require calories?

Calories means energy so we require energy in every movement of our life for example to beat our heart our body require energy and also to think, to walk, to talk, to breath, your exercise everywhere energy is require.

How much calories we require per day or what is our maintenance calories?

See it depend person to person like height, age, weight, sex, general health. It is very difficult to check exact maintenance calories to check exact maintenance calories you will have to track each and every activates you perform per day.

 But you can check your maintenance calories on google by typing ‘BMR calculator’ you have to fill your age, height and weight that will give you a rough figure means that will not the exact but it will be approximate number.

What if we don’t eat or don’t intake the calories

If you stop eating so now you are not getting calories or energy from food. Now your body will start using your stored fat and muscle as a source of energy. This is not healthy many people do fasting to lose weight that is not good for health.

What is maintenance calories?
Maintenance calories is a daily calories require to maintain your body weight.

 Calories are game changer

You have to focus on your calories if want to loss fat or you want to gain muscle for example is your maintenance calories is 2000 than for fat loss you should be calories deficit means you can take approximately 1500 to 1700 and to gain muscle you can take approximately 2500 to 2800.

But keep in mind your macros and micro nutrient must be proper.

One more important point to remember. I’ll explain with you with the example a burger contain 500 calories and your maintenance calories is 2000 you can eat 4 burger per day and survive. wait but that’s not a healthy way you have to take proper your macros and micro nutrient.

Lest recap what we read

  ü What is calories?
  ü Why we require calories?
  ü How much calories we require per day or what is our maintenance calories? 
  ü What if we don’t eat or don’t intake the calories
  ü What is maintenance calories?
  ü Calories are game changer

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Exercise routine for chest, back and leg

Exercise routine for chest, back and leg

Monday – Back

Worm up by doing pull ups of (3 sets, 8 to 10 reps)

1. bent-over barbell deadlift (4 sets, 8 to 10 reps)

2. Standing T-bar row (3 sets, 8 to 10 reps)

3. Single arm dumbbell rowing (4 sets, 10 to 12 reps)

4. Lat pull down (4 sets, 8 to 10 reps)

5. Close grip pull down (3 sets, 8 to 10 reps)


6. Seated cable rowing (4 sets, 8 to 10 reps)

7. Back extension (3 sets, 10 to 12 reps)

Tuesday   - chest
Worm up by doing push-ups (4 sets, 10 reps)

1. Incline dumbbell press (4 sets, 8 to 10 reps)

2. Barbell bench press (4 sets, 8 to 10 reps)

3. Incline dumbbell fly (3 sets, 10 to 12 reps)

4. Seated machine press (3 sets, 8 to 10 reps)

5. Parallel dips (3 sets, 10 reps)

6. pec-deck machine (4 sets. 10 to 12 reps)

7. Cable cross over (3 sets, 10 to 12 reps)

8. Dumbbell pull over (4 sets, 10 to 12 reps)

Wednesday – leg
Do warm-up of 100 to 150 set up or squat

1. Barbell squat (3 sets, 8 to 10 reps)

2. Front squat (3 set, 8 to 10 reps)

3. Walking lunge (4 sets, 12 reps)

4. Leg press (3 sets, 10 reps)

5. Leg extension (4 sets, 10 to 12 reps)

6. Hamstring back leg (4 sets, 10 to 12 reps)

*Important note (do proper warm up before exercise so that you'll don't get injured and try to focus on proper form of the exercise and take 45 to 1 min of rest between your workout not more than that).

what is fats


What is fats?
It is macro nutrient and essential part of our diet. One gram of fat contain 9 calories (kcal).

There are three type of fats.

1 saturated fat
 – These types of fat is unhealthy fats and solid in room temperature. This types of fats are found from the animals for example ghee, whole chicken, high fat milk etc. but we still require 7 percent of   saturated fat in our body. This fats is good for hormone balance and also for testosterone.

2 unsaturated fat
– This type of fat is healthy fat and liquid in room temperature. Example olive oil, low fat milk, chicken breast. This contain essential fatty acid which is require in the body. 

3 trans-fat
 – When you convert unsaturated fat into saturated fat is known as trans-fat. This types of fats are found restaurant food to save money they use the same oil again and again.

How much fat to eat per day

You have to consume 25 to 35 grams of fats
Most of the people think that to loss fat we don’t have to consume fats but that’s totally wrong I have explain on common mistake for fat loss people do read this for more information.

Let’s understand in the form of example

Support your maintenance calories is 2000 so 25 percent of 2000 is 500 calories so if we see in grams is 55g. So you have to consume 55g of fats.

From 55g you have to take 7 percent saturated fat and rest unsaturated. 7 percent of 55g is 13g percent and reaming 42g you have to take saturated fats.

Why we should consume fats?

1 good hormonal balance
If you don’t intake fats from the diet your body hormone will get imbalance.

2 satiety control
Fats is slow digesting nutrient so your body don’t get hungry faster and this can help you during fat loss.

3 Digestion
Fats help to digest vitamin A, D, E, K. without fat we can’t digest this vitamin.

4 Insulation
There is a thin layer of fats under the body that keep heat maintain under the body and also protect our body from external temperature changes.

5 energy
Fat also act as a source of energy when you don’t have required carbohydrate in your body.

Let recap what we have done
ü 1 what is fats?
ü Types of fats
ü How much fats to consume per day?
ü Benefits of fats