Saturday, November 10, 2018

CARB CYCLE -best way to loss fats.


Carb cycle is a cycle where we first increase our carb intake (high carb) than slowly cut it down(low carb) and bring it to zero than again repeat the same process this whole process is carb cycle. During carb cycle we keep on fluctuating the carb in the diet.
Carb cycle is basically done for the fat loss. It is best, easy and effective way of fat loss. Most this diet plan is followed by bodybuilder during contest or by fitness model during photo shoot.
During carb cycle only carb intake is fluctuated. Protein and fats are constant. Intake of fats is little bit more because fat is the secondary source of the energy. 

What are the benefit?
1. Famine environment
In any other diet like ketogenic diet your body might go in catabolic stat where there is change of loss the muscle and strength. But carb cycle don’t allow such type of situation and also don’t loss the straight.

2. Break plateau
When you are following a particular diet and you maintain consistence on it at some point your body stop responding or don’t show any result. So carb cycle help to hit the plateau and body again start to loss the fats.

3. Carb cycle help only in loss of fat not muscle or water so you will loss pure fat weight not water or muscle weight.

How does it work?

When you’re intake of carb is low your body glucose get deplete and your metabolism also get slow down (your fuel tank get over) so when again you intake high carb your body metabolism get high and insulin get spick for that period of time. By repeating this process again and again your body start losing fat.

E.g. this is example when you’ll can take high carb, low carb, no carb
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday take low carb
Thursday take high carb
Friday, Saturday take zero carb
Sunday take zero carb.

How Much carb to take?

See I can’t tell the exact amount of carb to be taken but in can give you example majority comes under that during low carb (80/100g) of carb. During high carb (250/300g) of carb and during no carb (0) means zero carb but you’ll can eat vegetable.

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