Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What is protein


What is protein?

Protein is one of the macro nutrient. Basically there are three macro nutrient one is protein, carbohydrate and fats. The molecular structure of protein is carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and sulphur.

One gram protein contain 4 Kcal.

In protein there is amino acid there are hundreds of amino acid but most important are 20 where 11 is produce by our body and 9 we have to take from food.

 There are two type are two type of amino acid essential and non-essential. Non-essential is produce by our body. Essential we have to take from our food.

Protein is present in our bone, muscle, skin, hair, and nail.

What is the use of protein or why we require protein?

Basically protein help us to repair our muscle after work out.
Most of the people don’t know about this is that protein act as a source of the energy when your body don’t have minimum carbohydrate and fats in the body.

Quality of protein.
There are different quality of protein. How we can come to know about protein quality?? We say a high quality protein when the food have complete amino acid.

When a food have 20 amino acid we say it high quality protein and this type of food are good after workout because they are fast digesting and help to recover the muscle tissue.

How protein to consume per day?


It depend upon person to person I am just give a figure which is suitable for most of the people.

Normal person
An average person who don’t left weight or never go to gym need 0.8 gram protein per kg
Beginner or intermediate
A person who have just now started going to gym or he /she going to gym for 4 to 5 month than that person can take 1 gram per kg.

A professional level can take from 1.5 to 2 grams of protein.

Best Source of protein


Egg, milk, paneer, meat (chicken, beef, and goat), soya this are the one of the best source of the protein.

What will happen if you consume more protein than require

See if you consume more carb it will store in the forms of fats for future use and if you eat more fat than also it will store in the fat cell but if you consume more protein than require it is waste body will not store anywhere it will eject from the body. You can also have problem in kidney.

In this I have not write about “protein in powder form” that I will write a Sseparate article
 And try to consume protein from food.

Recap what's there in the article
What is protein?
What is use of protein?
Quality of protein.
How much protein we should consume?
Best source of protein.
Side effect of protein.

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