Thursday, October 3, 2019

Can You Workout Twice A Day

Can You Workout Twice A Day

Are you thinking of going to the gym twice a day and want to know
the advantages and disadvantages of it here are you at right place.
normally people don't even get time to work out once a day this
type of workout is followed by an athletes who are going to compete
very soon or else normally they go once a day to the gym.
But if you want to go to the gym twice a day then you need to know
their merits and demerits 
1 help to reduce weight faster 
2 increase your fitness level
3 increase your strength
4 if you are not able to work out for a longer period at one time
than you can distribute the workout in a small session.
5 increase protein synthetics
6 increase your metabolism
 if you are not taking proper rest than there are a lot of side effects 
1 risk of over-training
2 more chances of getting an injury
3 you can also experience mood swing
4 your immune system might get affected
5 if you are not getting the results you will be stressed and also
might quit the gym

My tips

*(If you are a beginner, don't go for it. Go only once a day)
1 First, make your goal clear why you want to go to the gym twice
a day
2 There should be enough gap between both work out it might be
at least 6 to 7 hours
3 If you want to workout twice a day you can do a high-intensity
workout in the morning and do light work out in the evening e.g
in the evening you can go for a walk or can do yoga.
4 Stay hydrated between your work out and throughout the day
5 Before going to the gym twice a day first take your trainer advice
6 Take a properly balanced diet so that you can recover

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